Actively Supporting Embryo Adoption

Why Chosen?

Each embryo is a chosen child of God. God has chosen them to walk a very special road called Embryo Adoption.

The donor family of the embryo has chosen for this embryo to be a special gift to another family. The donor family loved these embryos so much that they didn’t want to see them destroyed for any reason, but rather they chose to allow them to be a blessing to another family.

The recipient family of the embryo has chosen this embryo to come into their lives and completely change them. We believe that God brings the right donor families, recipient families and embryos together to make something new and beautiful.


The Bible reveals to us a plan of God’s love for us. Through this, we see that God loves all of his children, even the ones that may only be a few cells. God loves this embryo so much, that He brings forth life in a new and unique way to families through Embryo Adoption.

The donor family loves the embryos so much that they gift them to families that are in need of a special blessing.

The recipient family loves the embryos so much that they welcome them into their lives to allow these children to be a blessing like they never imagined.